I graduated at the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University, subject Elementary educations, with specialization in art education . After studying at a secondary school I decided to pursue this field of study as I find the work with children really meaningful. I worked as a part-time worker in a kindergarten, helped with babysitting and led groups at a children's camp, where I had been going since I was a child.
After spending some time at university, I finally had a chance to see a different side of schools than just as a student. This made me realise that the education system and the educational process I went through did not suit me and did not motivate me enough.
I started working in Poznávání in 2020. I would like to help create a school environment that will motivate and support children in their further development, so that they enjoy learning and want to know more. So that they feel safe and can test their skills and knowledge at a friendly and safe place.
In my freetime I like painting, drawing, baking, cooking, reading, gardening, doing small craft projects, or I sometimes just switch off for a while with a good film or TV show and with a cat on my lap.