Children online

14 February 2024
Digital wellbeing is key today, so we organised a lecture for parents and workshops for children with tutors from Replug me, which provided advice and tools for safer and more balanced use of technology and the online world by children.

Children are not on FB (as we learned), but we parents are, so it makes sense to share our impressions from the February parent café on the topic Children in the online world and digital technologies in the hands of our pupils and offspring or how to digital wellbeing. Coincidentally, we delved into the topic at the start of Wellbeing Week (link in comments). 
We enjoyed every minute of the two hours full of interesting information, research data and advice from Replug Me experts Michal Samuelčík and Klára Zahumenská guided us through topics such as: why the digital world is so tempting, how social networks work and what is cheap dopamine, how to recognize addiction and how to prevent it, what are the possible risks of the online world and, most importantly, what is the role of parents in interacting with this difficult world.
We can't share everything we learned, but we offer at least 6 thoughts that caught our attention:

Come up with rules for using technology with your children (and for yourself)
Set boundaries and stick to them. When violations occur, don't punish, but work with the consequences - for the children and for yourself
Remember to praise - it's better than constantly pointing out mistakes and failures
be online with your children sometimes - play games, follow your favourite influencers together and talk about what you are experiencing
do a digi detox together (maybe 24 hours every two weeks)
and especially get screens out of places they shouldn't be (at dinner, bedtime, etc.) 

It's important to go over these topics not only with the parents but also with the children, so we arranged with the lecturers, and less than a month after