European Sustainable Development Week at our school

4 October 2023
Every year in September, the European Sustainable Development Week takes place, and this year we joined in (and probably started another tradition).

For each day of this week we have chosen one of the sustainability themes (drinking water, responsible production and consumption, reducing inequalities, living off the land, healthy and quality life). In each classroom, the children then participated in the activities with our teachers according to their ability, age and knowledge.

The topics were discussed in community circles and we also incorporated them into our lessons - whether by reading about the chosen topic, counting water consumption or writing ideas on how to promote sustainable development. 

The fourth graders set about making their own squirrel feeders, which they will now place in Prague parks and care for regularly. Fifth and sixth graders made a vermicomposter that will be used at school. In addition, the older pupils set themselves several challenges to complete during the week (e.g. "short shower", "finished lunch", "good deed" or "sugar-free day"). The seventh graders mapped how waste is sorted in all classes of the school and made suggestions on how to be better at it.

The whole school then organised a collection of old mobile phones to be used for further learning in computer science and in the science exploration block. And two colleagues and two pupils attended a conference on sustainable development in Tišnov on behalf of our school.

They presented our school, but also enjoyed the workshops of the NaZemi organization and last but not least, they planned cooperation with several schools. We are looking forward to it!
On top of all this, we agreed that the fifth graders will choose one of this week's themes that will accompany us throughout the year in our

