Connecting learning and knowledge to the real world


We make sure that children leave our school motivated for their further education and prepared for life in the future.


Why choose us

Children's and teachers' needs come first

Only a happy child can fully develop his potential. And only a happy teacher can be a good teacher. That's why we care about the wellbeing of everyone in the school. We respect the needs of the children and their pace. And we support our teachers in developing and further training and improving their teaching competences.

We are into the world and experimenting

The world needs responsible, independent thinkers and innovators. That's why we invite a range of external collaborators and organisations to help us fulfil our vision of a laboratory school. We often venture outside the school to explore, so that children can better understand the world they are growing up in. And we try new things.

We don't teach subjects, we teach children

We want to give children the things they will need in life. We don't teach them what to think, we teach them how to think. We teach them to see connections and work with sources of information, to concentrate and remember, to present an idea, to argue, to think critically... Competence and soft skills are at least as important as knowledge and understanding.

We do it differently

  • Collaboration in an international network of laboratory schools
  • Tandem teaching (two or more teachers in each class)
  • Smaller class sizes
  • Verbal evaluation and tripartites
  • More English (not just with native speakers) from first grade
  • Classes starting at 9 am

Be there with us

Our school is growing. Every year we open a new first grade class, build a second grade and look for new colleagues to join our team. If we sound like your dream school, let us know.
